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  •  easecbc@gmail.com

Company formation and company secretary

Company formation and company secretary


1. Company formation:

 - Hong Kong limited company

 - British Virgin Islands company

 - Cayman Islands company

 - Mainland China company


We provide virtual office services, including registered address provided in Hong Kong, mails collection and transfer (exclude postage) services, etc. Welcome to contact us for details. 

2. Company secretarial services:

(a)  Act as company secretary of the company

(b)  Company secretarial services-

Prepare and submit forms and documents:

(1)  Annual Return

(2)  Appointment and change of particulars of director and company secretary

(3)  Change of registered office of the company

(4)  Change of company name

(5)  Allotment or authorized shares

(6)  Amendment of Article of Association

(7)  Preparation of annual general meeting notice and minutes

(8)  Preparation of ordinary and special resolution

(9)  Increase of authorized share capital


We offer professional service packages at affordable price, welcome to contact us for details.